A Mediterranean Larp by NotOnlyLarp
about new chances, death, love
and nostalgia
in the 80s and 90s.
We are inspired by San Junipero, a Black Mirror episode about a simulated reality where the deceased can live, and the elderly can visit, all inhabiting their younger selves’ bodies in a time period of their choice.

Death | Grief | Illness | Disability
Music | Love and friendship | Nostalgia
AIs and VR | Transhumanism | Capitalism
Sexual violence
Important info
- Players: 29
- Location: Alcalá de Xivert, Spain. 2,5 hours from BCN 1,5 hours from Valencia airport (Link to Google Maps)
- Prices: 285 EUR (regular) | 185 EUR (reduced)
The experience
San Jinebro was the beta project that gave birth to San Junipero, which started as a small summer town set in 1980s California and ended up being the size of several virtual cities. The project was both successful and controversial, earning enemies both in the virtual reality business and in the social and religious realm. Those enemies were the beginning of the end, as an attack on the servers wiped out many of the downloaded San Junipero residents. The company had to close San Junipero, and the remaining tourists and residents took refuge in San Jinebro, hoping that everything would be fixed. After all this time, some residents can’t stand living in this virtual place, and the company has had to enable the possibility of ‘step back’, which allows some people to disconnect from the servers for good.
There are two types of characters in San Jinebro:
- Residents: Those people who have decided to make “the transition”, downloading their consciences upon death and housing them in a simulated reality system where they can live young forever through a virtual avatar.
- Tourists: Those people who connect to the project on a temporary basis. Initially this option was created for people with health problems or who wanted to try the experience before the transition. After the success of the project, the option was made available so that anyone could pay to connect and be part of the experience.
Casting and character sheets
Casting questionnaire
Once you have secured your ticket for the larp, we will send you a confirmation email. In this email, you will find a link to a casting questionnaire. This questionnaire is designed to help us better understand your preferences and the type of experience you are seeking.
Casting and Character Blurb
Around January, we will end the casting process and you will receive an email containing your character blurb. This is a concise description of your character.
Full Character Sheet
We will send you your character sheet by the end of March. This sheet will contain detailed information about your character, including their background, relationships, and any additional game mechanics relevant to your role.
Important info
Run 1 (international): 19-21 April 2024.
Run 2 (Spanish): 26-28 August 2024.
You’ll need to arrive Friday by 18 at the location and leave Sunday by 16 (the last morning is off-game).
Players: 29
Location: Alcalá de Xivert, Spain. 2,5 hours from Barcelona airport, 1,5 hours from Valencia airport.
Reduced tickets. 185€ (only 1 available if we make one run; there can be more depending on the donations).
You can donate to the reduced ticket program during signup. For logistical reasons, the donation cannot be reimbursed if you drop out.
Regular ticket. 285€
Rooms will be shared between 5 and 2 people. There are some double beds. If you choose to share a bed, you will have more chances to get a ticket.
Location Masía Sierra Irta

The location is a wedding venue in Alcalá de Xivert (Castellón) with 17.000 m2. It has 8 rooms, 4 bathrooms and 1 toilet. We will dance at the disco. There is a swimming pool of 15 x 10 meters, with a bar-kitchen and toilet on the pool terrace.
Garden with 4.000 m2 of lawn, pool terrace with 600 m2, private parking area of printed concrete of 2.000 m2. Terrace on the 1st floor of 250 m2.
There is no need to have good eyesight, but it is not wheelchair accessible, there are stairs in some areas. If you want to check your specific needs before signing up please contact notonlylarp@gmail.com.
Sign up process
and payments
Sign up
You can sign up now until the 29th October 2023. We will make a lottery in which we will check a mix of participant’s experiences, countries and larp cultures. If you choose to share a bed, you’ll have more chances to get a spot.
After signup, will make a safety cross-check for all participants.
- First payment: 2 days after confirmation of your spot: 140€.
- Second payment: by 10th Jan. 145€
If you need to make your payment in more installments, please contact us: notonlylarp@gmail.com
Cancellation policy
In the unfortunate event that you need to cancel the event, our cancellation and resell policy is as follows. Players are not allowed to directly resell their tickets. You need to inform us, and we will reach out to the players on the waiting list. But if you want to sell your addon to another player, we can talk about it.
The larp signup fee (90€) is non-refundable.
Three months before the larp, the refundable part of the ticket will be 50% of the total.
If you cancel your participation two months or less before the larp starts, there will be no refunds.
The organizers reserve the right to refuse participation to anyone in the larp without giving any reason. In such a case, the full fee will be returned to the participant. The organizers also reserve the right to refuse a participant to continue the larp if said participant makes the larp an unsafe place. In such a case, no refund will be given
Alcohol, after game dinner and party
We won’t serve alcohol in-game, but we will sell it at the afterparty at our bar. We will have an in-game bar where you can buy sodas, energy drinks and coffee or tea. Water is always free in the game.
Arrival at the location
- The location is in Alcala de Xivert, Castellón.
- The closest airports are Barcelona (2:30 h by car) and Valencia (1:30 h by car).
- Depending on the player’s interest, we will arrange a minibus.
Costumes and props
The clothes should match the visual style but need not be historically correct. The style is the 80s and 90s.
Welcome to
San Jinebro

Not Only Larp Safety System
Our safety system relies on the ability of players to set and respect boundaries, be able to say safe words, and be able to speak with the safety team in case you are not ok. If you have trouble doing that, this larp is not for you.
Code of conduct
People are more important than the larp. Safety is our priority. Respect all the game security rules.
Each person’s body is their own. They alone may set their boundaries and say what makes them comfortable. Please be clear in establishing your limits, both physical and emotional. Don’t be afraid to modify your limits if you feel to during the game. Asking about someone’s boundaries is expected, pushing them is not acceptable.
Consent must be freely given, vocalized and considered inviolable. Respect everybody’s boundaries and don’t tease, gossip about, ostracize or retaliate against someone who has set a consent boundary. In fact, we would like you to thank your fellow co-players for setting boundaries, as practicing active consent negotiations allows everyone to feel more comfortable.
Off-game harassment, abuse, or assault of any participant – or using the alibi of character to harass, abuse, or assault a player – is not tolerated. This includes any reference to the race, gender identity or presentation, sexuality, body size, conventional beauty, age, and experience.
Each participant is responsible for their own actions; for reading, understanding and abiding by the Code of Conduct; and for the consequences of their actions to others.
Everybody might harm another member, whether intended to do so or not, and must accept the responsibility of their own behavior. If you are informed about this kind of situation you are expected to reflect this in your own behavior and seek to change it. Don’t deflect, blame, or become defensive if you are informed that you have harmed someone.
No one should ostracize or retaliate against any member for setting a consent boundary or for making a report of harassment or abuse.
If you witness someone behaving in a manner that is against our Code of Conduct we encourage you to ask them to stop. Please inform the Safety Team of the incident. You may report anonymously if you feel more comfortable doing so and we will respect your privacy.
We won’t serve alcohol in game, but we will do so at the afterparty. We ask you to avoid drinking your own alcohol during the game. You will have time to enjoy alcohol drinks during the afterparty.
Inform Not Only Larp team about any health problem or allergies we should take into consideration.
Safe words
For every player:
– Off-game+ what you need:
In any kind of context:
- Examples: off-game I want to change the subject of this conversation. Off-game I want to calibrate with you.
In a confrontation:
- Off-game: rise intensity: This is a suggestion.
- Off-game: lower intensity, tap out: This is an order.
- Off-game: stop. This is an order.
Also organizers can say this:
- Off-game make way for this van.
- Off-game EMERGENCY, there is a fire!
Safe space
This is an out of game space that works as a safety net for the players. If your play is having any negative impact on you, you can come here and eat, rebalance, relax, or get a hug.
Are you OK?
Gamemasters or other players can ask if a player is ok with this sign:
You can reply with:
“Yes, I am OK”.
“Not sure”.
This hand signal, which means the player doesn’t quite know how they feel, or that it’s neither good or bad. Please ask the player if they want to stop the scene.
“No, I am not”.
Please bring the player to the safe space. If the player doesn’t answer, stop the scene.
Medical Team
NotOnlyLarp has a First Aid Team to deal with any health problems that might occur during the event. Please inform us about any health problems or allergies we should take into consideration and the way to deal with them should they arise. We also want to know any player willing to volunteer in helping our First Aid Team.
We have a first aid kit, but this does not include medication; everyone has to bring their own.
Unfortunately we don’t have a psychologist in the team, but safety team members can speak with players in confidence.
Safety Team Members
- Esperanza Montero
- Pepe Roma
NotOnlyLarp has a Safety Team to deal with any issue that can be considered a violation of the Code of Conduct or threaten attendee safety.
Feel free to raise any complaint to our Safety Team. Each complaint received will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
NotOnlyLarp’s definition of harassment may not necessarily align with legal definitions of harassment. Therefore, attendees should regard the following guidelines as expectations of conduct in addition to legally actionable actions. In other words, the legal expectations of tangible proof are not necessary for the Safety Team to take action upon a complaint.
For our purposes, harassment includes:
- Verbal comments or displayed images that denigrate individuals based upon gender, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion, political beliefs, philosophies, geographic origin, or socioeconomic status;
- Body policing, including gender policing in all bathrooms;
- Non-consensual physical or emotional interactions;
- Non-consensual sexual acts.
- Unwelcome sexual attention, whether verbal or physical.
This harassment policy applies to both in-person and online activities. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Not Only Larp volunteers and committee members are also subject to the anti-harassment policy.
We will provide members of the Safety Team with detailed instructions and training procedures in case of a violation of code emergency. Attendees can report harassment at any time:
Before the event:
If you are privy to information about harassment towards yourself or someone else by someone in the community at large, please email us at notonlylarp@gmail.com. Please include as many details as you consider necessary. These messages will remain strictly confidential, known only to the safety team. Reports received about registered attendees before the event are subject to the same consequences as those received during the game.
Please note that if a harassment issue occurs, at least one of us will need to speak firsthand to the person involved. We will keep any identifying information restricted to the safety team. It’s our policy because we know how misinformation can be spread accidentally between multiple people. We trust everyone here to be honest, but we will require firsthand information before we can take action as a general policy. Anyone in the safety team who personally knows the people involved in the incident won’t be able to make decisions about it.
During the event:
If a violation of the Code of Conduct becomes known, please a member of the Safety Team as soon as necessary. You can reach them personally or through any other member of NotOnlyLarp’s team. We will also provide contact information for on-staff Safety members at the start of the event in case of emergency.
After the event: You may choose to wait until after the event to report a violation, in which case, please email notonlylarp@gmail.com
Disciplinary Steps are organized into two levels based upon the severity of the violation.
Level 1: Monitoring the individual in question, pulling the individual aside to discuss the violation, and/or issuing verbal warnings.
Level 2: Removing the individual from the game and, potentially, from future NotOnlyLarp events.
This document is it’s inspired by the safety documents from Living Games Conference, New World Magischola, and Just a Little Lovin’.
Play to flow. This game is designed to offer you the chance to experience life as your character, albeit during a short period of time and in a controlled environment. It will be a successful experience if you flow with what happens to your character and lift the play of your coplayers. There are no objectives that will cause you to win or lose. The only thing we ask of you is to be in your character’s shoes, to connect with what they feel, to think the way they would think, and behave in the way they would behave, all the while allowing your character to make their own decisions. That’s what we call “flow” or “letting go.”
You are your own game master, of course within the limitations of the game- and safety rules. We trust our players to be involved in the whole process, from the character creation phase to the end of the event. That’s why, once the game starts, you don’t need to ask us permission to do something or to decide if your character would think or do something.
Your character sheet is yours. We are happy with players changing their character sheets following some rules: calibrate changes with your coplayers, don’t change the sign of the relationship that you want to change(positive or negative), don’t change events from the past and if you are not going to play or you want to change a plot, please let us know before doing so.
What you see is what there is to see. All you see will be part of the game and you will have to deal with the consequences. Respect other people’s experiences and safety: avoid any behavior or attitude that can hurt the immersion or the experience of other players but also keep in mind that safety comes first.
There might be coplayers that want to play with secrets and know them in-game, as there are different cultures. Please ask the players about this when you calibrate with them.
‘Off-game’ has also some meanings that are not related to safety:
- When organizers need you to do something: ”Off-game: please move, we need to move a van”
- “Off-game: this is the best speech you’ve ever listened to”. When you, as a player, don’t have some skills that your character has.

Espe Montero
Owned by three cats, day job spent selling SaaS. Currently located in Madrid, Spain.
Espe is a feminist, LGBTQ+ activist, and a firm believer in larptivism, i.e. larp’s potential to raise awareness and inspire social change.
They started NotOnlyLarp with Enrique and other friends, and is usually the project manager and producer of NOL’s larps. She finds that running a larp requires similar abilities as organizing a human rights demonstration.
She lives with a chronic pain condition that makes them the designated LARP runner from a bed.

Pepe Roma
Math teacher, living cartoon and multigeek. His favorite word is “play” and he shows it every day.
Pepe was born and lives in Almería (Spain), an idyllic and isolated place, famous for its cinematographic settings (Indiana Jones, Conan, Games of Thrones) and also for larp (Conscience by Notonlylarp took place there).
He has been a designer and editor of board and role-playing games since the beginning of the 21st century. Nowadays he enjoys his passion for acting by designing and playing larps.
He has frequently collaborated with Notonlylarp and usually designs chamber larps along with Paula Jiménez, with whom they team up on Isla Musáhli larps.

Paula Jiménez
Social worker, actress and psychologist project. Playing, dancing, photography, writing or crafts, give it all to me.
Paula was born in Malaga and lives near the sea and the sun. She started playing LARP in Jornadas Tierra de Nadie in 2007 and since then she hasn’t wanted to stop. From a playful and social point of view, she loves to share magical experiences with others. From the interpretative point of view, she loves building characters and having a great time playing with them.
She collaborated with Notonlylarp in her LARP Blue Flame and often designs camera larps together with Pepe Roma, with whom she teams up in Isla Musáhli larps. She cries for almost everything but in LARPS she believes it is possible to cry without real suffering. Really, it is possible.

Linden robot is fueled by coffee.
Linden is an author and world-wanderer currently living in Madrid. Their first game was run by NotOnlyLarp, and they’ve been addicted ever since. Now, they bring their expertise as a writer and editor to the team.
Linden is the author of The First Sister trilogy and enjoys plot twists, causing characters pain, and explosions. They run or play tabletop games weekly, and hope to make their players cry.

Kai Simon Frediksen
Norwegian whippet owner, day job spent working as a training manager. Currently located in Oslo, Norway.
Got bitten by the larp bug after joining his first vampire larp back in the 90s. Since then, he has played in, arranged, photographed but never regretted being part of this wonderful and diverse community.
”Inviting others in, not only to tell stories to them but daring to let them change the story, for the story to become something we tell together is a powerful experience. – As a player, I seek to do that experience. As an organizer, I hope to enable it. As a photographer, I seek to document it and make you look great in the process.”

Avatar (or victim) of chaos. Drinks tea, loves biscuits and has recently lost her marbles and gone back to uni!
A perpetually tired hyperactive, Marta is now a student but has traditionally worked as a horse rider (and a bit as a makeup artist too). One with too many interests, she particularly loves animals (dogs, horses and goats being her softest spot), food and art. She started larping because of her love of acting and was completely enamoured by the lovely LARP world. NOL was the team that got her started as a LARP organiser/ collaborator, now she’s back, hyped up and happy to help!

We dream awake
Not Only Larp is a Spanish organisation with the aim of creating larps, edularps and changing society with larping.
We have organized larps as Conscience, No Middle Ground, Zero, Red Center or Thyself for over 1.500 players during the last 6 years.
More info at: www.notonlylarp.com

Art director, graphic designer and LARP player/organizer from Asturias, north of Spain, south of Europe.
Dan has an unusual skill to easily get involved in a multitude of really cool projects, done by awesome people like the NotOnlyLarp family. In the RealWorld®, he is usually in charge of directing the departments of cool and pretty things, with the invaluable help of black coffee, sleepless nights and role-playing games with friends. Graphic design is his passion (insert kitten meme here and a lot of lorem ipsum).